Shelley Beckman

What Do You Do In Your Spare Time?

Aside from spending quality time with family and friends (and, of course, Hank, our Yorkshire Terrier), I enjoy photography; music; boutiques; air shows; swimming; boating; and all things sports, including car races.

What Are Your Qualifications?

I have a degree in Criminal Justice and am a Certified Crime Analyst, which have afforded me the opportunity to work in multiple facets of the legal system my entire professional career – from court administration-to-law enforcement and corrections-to the past five-years serving in various client engagement-focused positions in a law firm. I love people! And building and maintaining relationships is imperative to me as it positions me well as a community advocate and/or resource.

What Do You Like Most About Estate Planning And Elder Law?

I am very passionate about planning, both personally and professionally, so Safe Harbor Estate Law is the perfect place for me. I understand that oftentimes the topic can seem unapproachable and difficult to understand; thus, I believe a big part of the process is education. It is my goal to continue providing top-tier awareness, giving people the confidence they need to safeguard their, and that of their loved ones’ futures, ensuring they will be cared for and protected, no matter what.

Fun Fact:

I’m a beauty school dropout! Insert Grease Song Here