Margaret Barrett & mother, Beverly Barrett

Beverly Barrett, 2019

The Ervin F. and Beverly A. Barrett Salt of the Earth Award is inspired by lives of the first recipients, the late Ervin F. Barrett and his wife Beverly A. Barrett (our founder, Margaret Barrett’s parents). Mr. and Mrs. Barrett’s exemplary lives demonstrate integrity, compassion and dedication to others motivated by their Christian faith.

Margaret Barrett & Dr. Peter Cole

Dr. Peter COLE, 2020

Dr. Peter Cole was nominated by his wife for his numerous charitable service ventures in his community, including the founding of his non-profit ministry, “Scalpel at The Cross” which seeks to be salt and light to marginalized people groups in Pucallpa, Peru.

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Deb Nygaard and husband, Mark Nygaard

Deb Nygaard, 2021

Deb is an extremely hard-working, compassionate, woman with an incredible heart for service born out of her faith. Deb has served many years with Days for Girls International, a nonprofit that changes the lives of women and girls in other countries by providing sustainable, reusable, washable products to help them manage their periods.

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Ted & Family

Rosemary Stahl, 2023

Our 2023 award was presented in memorium of Rosemary Stahl (1943-2023) to her husband Ted Stahl, daughter Lynn Amon, and family. Rosemary’s family chose St. Odilia’s Endowment Fund – Pastoral Care for the $1000 donation.

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